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Under Construction

Come Out Seattle is under construction!


While we search high and low for information about the over 225 locations in our data base and build both the galleries and the interactive map, here are a few examples of the beginning galleries and some screen shots of our map.


Contribute pictures, memories, stories, or information about any bar, tavern, or restaurant that you considered an LGBTQ+ space! These will be reviewed and incorporated in our information data base.

Stay Tuned!


Sample Galleries

Axelrock Test
Bonnie' Place test
Boren Street Disco test
Branding Iron test
Bras Connection test
Brass Door Test

Map Under Construction

As we build our interactive map, here are some screen shots of what's to come!

Pioneer Square

Pioneer Square Locations Come Out Seattl

Downtown & Capitol Hill


Capitol Hill and Downtown Locations Come


In the upper right corner is an interactive timeline that will allow locations to be sorted by any length of time. For example, a specific year, a set of years, a decade, or the entire history. On both screen shot examples the entire history is shown which will be the default on opening the map.


Search by Name:

Users can search location by name or partial name using the search bar in the upper left of the map. The map will zoom in on the location and the specific information for that location will appear on the left.



On the left side of the map will be a comprehensive description of the location including dates opened, ownership (when available), description, and verbal accounts of the venue.


Multiple Venues /One Location:

We are working with GEO JOBE on how to display a geographic location that has had multiple venues through time. This is an ongoing task.


Link to Galleries:

For a user who wants to explore that specific venue further, a link will lead them to the archive gallery which will include pictures, documents, and descriptions of that location.

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